Looking Back, Walking ForwardWhile at UVA, Jen met a young cancer patient, Jeffrey Centini, and was able to support him as one who understood his struggle. Jen authored this pamphlet based on her own insights and conversations with Jeff, hoping to provide a personal perspective to teens and young adults with cancer, and to their supporters. The booklet was printed and distributed at the Children's Ball in Charlottesville, held to raise funds for UVA's Children's Hospital. Jen states in the introduction, "This booklet was especially written for teenagers who have a chronic health problem so that they can help themselves, family and friends deal with their health concern. Even though there is only one person physically living with a certain problem, everyone who cares about that person is affected." You'll need Adobe Acrobat reader to view the booklet. Clicking on the image to the right opens the booklet. You may also save a copy to your computer by right clicking on the link, then clicking Save Target As and specifying a location. Finally, if you would like a hard copy, please email Janet, at jpbernhards@verizon.net In memory of Jeff, and with special thanks to Janet Centini and the Children's Ball Committee, whose support and encouragement led to the printing of this booklet. |